The Church Name Meaning
I was asked how I came up with the name Cyrus Redemption Center and what it means. Actually, I did not come up with the name. God did. It goes back to a dream that I had of an Angel of the Lord on a white horse riding through the streets one night, sounding a trumpet to awaken the people, shouting, “Revival in the land, revival in the land.” You might remember the story of Paul Revere running through the streets shouting, “The British are coming. The British are coming.” Well, that was how it sounded.
At that time, I had never heard of a clarion call, but when I woke up, I instantly knew that the rider was a messenger of God and that the sound of the trumpet was a clarion call. The messenger was running through the land making an announcement, summoning the people of God to rise up, get back on the wall, and carry the news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I sensed that I was not the only one who heard this urgent message that morning. I woke up excited and sought God on the meaning of the dream. Since then, I've spoken with others who had similar dreams and visions right around the same time. A couple of days later, I received a word and instructions from God. God ended our conversation that morning with the words, “My daughter, Cyrus.” I was surprised that He called me Cyrus. I didn't know who Cyrus was, so I researched to see what Cyrus means.
Cyrus the Great was a Persian king who reigned over Persia between 539 and 530 BC. Cyrus was not a follower of God. He was a pagan king whom God chose to help His people. God often uses people we would never imagine He would use to bless His children. Isaiah prophesied that Cyrus would come to power and that God would use him to restore them to their land and that Jerusalem would be rebuilt some 150 years before. In Isaiah 44:28, Cyrus is referred to as "God's shepherd," and in Isaiah 45:13, he is referred to as "His anointed." It was under his rule that the Jews were first allowed to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity (Isaiah 45). In the first year of his reign, Cyrus announced to the world that God called him to release the Jewish captives to go back to Israel to rebuild their temple and to help them by financing it (2 Chronicles 36:22–23).
For some time, I kept hearing God calling me to start a church to shepherd His sheep, and He said to call the church "Cyrus Redemption Center." I was walking in the office of Prophet, and I was good with that, but a pastor? Well, we had quite a few conversations about that. God let me know that the anointing on my life and on Cyrus Redemption Center, as well as the believers of today, is much like the anointing He had on Cyrus’ life.
Isaiah chapters 44 and 45 are two of my favorite passages of Scripture. For years, they have comforted me whenever I became discouraged. However, it never occurred to me that God was calling me in this manner. In learning about Cyrus, God began to give me new revelation into the calling that He has on my life. God let me know that the anointing on my life and on Cyrus Redemption Center, as well as the believers of today, is much like the anointing He had on Cyrus’ life. God confirmed my call as a pastor, and gave me the name of the church. After years of preparation, I stepped out in obedience to His word. He has anointed me to issue a decree of liberation to the lost. He has anointed me as a Shepherd. He has assured me that He has "dried up" the rivers and barriers and every obstacle, and opened the double doors wide before me, and that the gates will not be shut. I am truly excited, grateful, and honored that God would even save me, let alone anoint me to carry out His will!
The clarion call has gone out. Jesus is coming. Although there is a smorgasbord of doctrines of devils all around us, God's grace much more abounds. As in the days of Acts, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is being preached, and the Word of God is cutting asunder the religious and pharisaic mumbo-jumbo. Strongholds are being broken, and people are being set free from the mindsets that have held them captive! The people of God are experiencing breakthroughs like never before in every area because they are learning the Truth of Jesus Christ and who they are in Him! The lost are coming to Christ in record numbers. This is what the Lord has shown. He said it! I believe it! And it is so! No other "god" can do this! Only the Most High, the Almighty Sovereign God, can take a sinful man, even one who has never even desired a relationship with Him and cause him to come to repentance, to do His will, and bring about His purpose.
I am believing God to see 1,000 souls saved this year, and I cannot do it alone, so God has assigned destiny helpers to get the job done. Maybe, you have a burning desire to see souls saved. Join me as we do a mighty work for the Kingdom of God and put a big dent in the kingdom of darkness.
At that time, I had never heard of a clarion call, but when I woke up, I instantly knew that the rider was a messenger of God and that the sound of the trumpet was a clarion call. The messenger was running through the land making an announcement, summoning the people of God to rise up, get back on the wall, and carry the news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I sensed that I was not the only one who heard this urgent message that morning. I woke up excited and sought God on the meaning of the dream. Since then, I've spoken with others who had similar dreams and visions right around the same time. A couple of days later, I received a word and instructions from God. God ended our conversation that morning with the words, “My daughter, Cyrus.” I was surprised that He called me Cyrus. I didn't know who Cyrus was, so I researched to see what Cyrus means.
Cyrus the Great was a Persian king who reigned over Persia between 539 and 530 BC. Cyrus was not a follower of God. He was a pagan king whom God chose to help His people. God often uses people we would never imagine He would use to bless His children. Isaiah prophesied that Cyrus would come to power and that God would use him to restore them to their land and that Jerusalem would be rebuilt some 150 years before. In Isaiah 44:28, Cyrus is referred to as "God's shepherd," and in Isaiah 45:13, he is referred to as "His anointed." It was under his rule that the Jews were first allowed to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity (Isaiah 45). In the first year of his reign, Cyrus announced to the world that God called him to release the Jewish captives to go back to Israel to rebuild their temple and to help them by financing it (2 Chronicles 36:22–23).
For some time, I kept hearing God calling me to start a church to shepherd His sheep, and He said to call the church "Cyrus Redemption Center." I was walking in the office of Prophet, and I was good with that, but a pastor? Well, we had quite a few conversations about that. God let me know that the anointing on my life and on Cyrus Redemption Center, as well as the believers of today, is much like the anointing He had on Cyrus’ life.
Isaiah chapters 44 and 45 are two of my favorite passages of Scripture. For years, they have comforted me whenever I became discouraged. However, it never occurred to me that God was calling me in this manner. In learning about Cyrus, God began to give me new revelation into the calling that He has on my life. God let me know that the anointing on my life and on Cyrus Redemption Center, as well as the believers of today, is much like the anointing He had on Cyrus’ life. God confirmed my call as a pastor, and gave me the name of the church. After years of preparation, I stepped out in obedience to His word. He has anointed me to issue a decree of liberation to the lost. He has anointed me as a Shepherd. He has assured me that He has "dried up" the rivers and barriers and every obstacle, and opened the double doors wide before me, and that the gates will not be shut. I am truly excited, grateful, and honored that God would even save me, let alone anoint me to carry out His will!
The clarion call has gone out. Jesus is coming. Although there is a smorgasbord of doctrines of devils all around us, God's grace much more abounds. As in the days of Acts, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is being preached, and the Word of God is cutting asunder the religious and pharisaic mumbo-jumbo. Strongholds are being broken, and people are being set free from the mindsets that have held them captive! The people of God are experiencing breakthroughs like never before in every area because they are learning the Truth of Jesus Christ and who they are in Him! The lost are coming to Christ in record numbers. This is what the Lord has shown. He said it! I believe it! And it is so! No other "god" can do this! Only the Most High, the Almighty Sovereign God, can take a sinful man, even one who has never even desired a relationship with Him and cause him to come to repentance, to do His will, and bring about His purpose.
I am believing God to see 1,000 souls saved this year, and I cannot do it alone, so God has assigned destiny helpers to get the job done. Maybe, you have a burning desire to see souls saved. Join me as we do a mighty work for the Kingdom of God and put a big dent in the kingdom of darkness.